Monday, September 3, 2007

DTFedEx (Dossier to FedEx), or Eva's Mom is Being Silly

Today, the whole family took Eva's paperwork to the FedEx location closest to our house and actually 'mailed' Eva's dossier. Mom and Dad gave it a good luck kiss and Jada gave it a high five. Yes, we are dorky.

Since it's a holiday, it will go out tomorrow and arrive at our agency on Wednesday. Our agency takes about 9-12 business days to get the dossier to China. We are very excited to have the paperwork done.

The next step is to get the actual dossier to China (DTC), which our agency does for us, and to find out our LID (logged in date). Our LID is the date that will ultimately determine when we get our referral.

So, cross your fingers and toes that I didn't mess anything up and that it will be in China very soon.

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