Friday, April 13, 2007

Why Arkansas?

Today, I have been pondering a question I have been asked over and over for over a decade now "Why Arkansas?" The full question is actually "Why did you and Marty get married in Arkansas?" It all started with a pretty chapel that I liked...

Why am I thinking about this right now? It's because our marriage license is our only adoption "one off." Everything else is from the state we currently live in.

So, it has to take a path all it's own to prepare it for our dossier. First, it needs to be certified at the Arkansas Secretary of State's office. Then, it needs to be sent to the Chinese Consulate's office in Houston to be authenticated. In between these two paths, it needs to be sent back to me so that I can write another letter explaining what I need and send it on. That's more work than I figured for one document!

The agency we used for Jada's adoption did all of this for us, so I didn't realize just how much hassle it was.

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