Wednesday, February 14, 2007


We are still working on the application for CCAI.

I would really like to get it mailed this week, but I need a letter from my doctor's office and I need to give them time to work on it. I also need to write a letter explaining why we are using a different agency for our second adoption.

The biggest change we have noticed so far from last time is that bigger agencies ask for much more information upfront. All the information we are providing will come out in a home study and dossier paperwork, but they want it in the application. I can see that it is better to weed people out early in the process that don't qualify, but it is sure time consuming. At least these things are gathered for the home study.

I will update the blog again once we have the application mailed. I was really hoping for a Valentine's Day postmark, but I will consider this our first of many delays. ;^D

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